Selected Works #2 (2012-2002)

#1 (2018-2013) here.

2012. This Song is Twice Occurred. Composition for 6 players and conductor, circa 17 min. The conductor marks the oscillating tempo while giving entrance and exit cues to the musicians of two types: mandatory and optional. The musicians play three types of material: chaotic and frenetic improvisations, accompaniment quotations and harmonic pedal notes, in three modes: normal, shadow-playing and imitation. However, they change place virtually two times during the piece, and have to respond to gestures of the conductor which are performer-displaced. Dedicated to Paulo Dantas. Unperformed. [conductor’s score]

2012. Mini-Tábua (with support from Marcelo Muniz). Musical instrument: an amplified wooden board with a piezo (contact mike) and a guitar pickup, and in early versions, an electret mike. Played with daily objects, toys and combined with no-input mixer and electronic effects. It is from 2012 on my main instrument.

2012. Radio Radio. Series of 4 radio programs at Mobile Radio BSP: 30th São Paulo Bienal, plus a special at Plano-B, Rio de Janeiro: X ENCUn (brazilian sound creativity meeting). Always with Henrique Iwao, plus guests, playing live. Involves playing and improvising upon other radio channels broadcasts. [audio]

2012. Dentro. Sound art installation, 2012. An enclosed room, photos taken from inside posted on the door; sound equipment inside (toys, mini-tábua and electronics): 30 minute improvisations are either played live either played from recordings of these occasions, so as to be indistinguishable to the public. INcômodo occupation, Casa Azul, Campinas, from October 12 to November 4, 2012. Album on the making.

2011-2013. Epilepsia: Death Raving (with J.-P. Caron). Two albums and a series of structured improvisations in drone / noise music + light systems. Digital reworking of the lights: 2017. [Live at Plano-B album; Studio album; video with Matthias Koole; music-video with CCP]

2011. Panótico Dn. Composition for electric guitar and electronics, dedicated to Mário Del Nunzio, 11 min. Explores different ways of playing the same note and attempts to notate imprecision as a parameter. As it is very difficult, never was played live. [Score, version A; recording by Del Nunzio]

2011. P-Blob VVA (with Marcelo Muniz). Show of amplified lights and toys with self-made dimmers and gadgets, and colored stroboscopic lights. Used also as part of Trio, a composition of compositions (with Andreia Yonashiro and Mário Del Nunzio). The same principles concerning the lights were used for creating Death Raving, by Epilepsia. [video 1, video 2, video 3]

2011. Uma Pequena Coleção de Quedas (A Small Collection of Drops). Short movie compiling objects falling and their sounds, then desynchronizing one from the other, 4.5 min. [video]

2011. Copacabana 2011. Short movie made walking on the beach side, 20x zoom and shaking the camera, . Published in Videos 2003-2013. [video]

2010-16. Tábua Mobile (with Marcelo Muniz). Amplified wooden board instrument played with daily objects, electronic devices and toys. In several shows, played with participation of VJ Danilo_b. Burned on purpose in 2016 (see videos). [demonstration video; video 1; video 2; article about]

2010. CMP/OEPEC (Catálogo dos Momentos Perdidos; Onde Está O Presente Eu Comi / Catalogue of the Lost Moments; Where Is the Present I Ate ). Multimedia composition for video, electronics and two musicians performing objects, 20 min. The video combines collections of photos with score cues, while in the electronics there is an attempt to show the musicians errors to the audience. In desperate need of revision.

2009-17. Coleções Digitais (Digital Collections). Compilation of electroacoustic collage works. The Majority of it is available as a CD and an album. Includes:

  • 1 2 3 4: all the Ramones’ tempo countings in the 5 live albums.
  • Baby: all the occurrences of the word “baby” in the studio discography of Britney Spears.
  • MJ Extended: all non-verbal Michael Jackson elocutions in his studio discography; Uh: all of them except inhaled sounds and melodic profile vocalizations. MP3 Endings 1: all the music endings in his discography, normalized.
  • Mulheres: all the women names sang in Chico Buarque’s discography + all adjectives and names referring to women; installation version disposes the 38 utilized albums as points of sound diffusion (as in the image, 2016); MP3 Endings 2: all the music endings in his discography, normalized.
  • Sirènes: all the siren sounds in the integral works of Edgard Varèse; Amerika: all the duck-sound occurrences in Ameriques; Boom: all the low percussive resounding sounds in the works of Varèse;
  • Idée Fixe: all the occurrences of the “recurring motive” in his ouvre.
  • Yeah: all “yeah” and “yes” sang during the Beatles’ studio discography.

2009-11. Bended Camera Photos (exhibited as 22 Photos). Photos taken with a damaged camera set at excessively high ISO values in low-light and over-exposure-time environments. Food, gates, windows, lights on the street, contact improvisation, kettles, chairs, toilettes, candies, vases. 22 photos were selected from a collection of 1000, taken between 2009 and 2011.

2008-12. Ibrasotopers. Scenography for concerts organized by Ibrasotope, made with stuffed animals, placed on stage, near the musicians or participants etc. [more photos]

2008. Verossimilhança do Espelho (with Mário Del Nunzio). Composition for keyboards, electronics and electric guitar, circa 30 min. Change of effects by one player affects only the other or both. Structures dealing with fragmentation of gesture and sound consistency. [video excerpts]


2008. Primeiro Acorde. Composition for keyboards and electronics, circa 14 min. Structured improvisation interacting with samples of beginnings of hit-songs. First there is a balance of gestures from performer and electronics. Then the samples get reduced to mp3 artifacts, and then the sound of the performer is modulated by them. [excerpt from a compilation]

2004-08. O “Mundo” Entre Aspas (with Alexandre Porres, Lucas Araújo, Mário Del Nunzio and Rafael Montorfano, with participation of Samir da Cunha: The Quote Unquote “World”). Bizarre and Experimental Pop band whose covers were unrecognizable.

2003-08. Electroacoustic Music. Compiled in the albums: Dance Music and Música Eletrônica 2004 and in the single CPU100%. Particularly interested in glitch and noise and musical collage though not only.

2003. Trata-se de um Caso Típico de Menopausa do Espírito. Composition for 2 musicians playing blocks of gestures, with an independent layer of sparse glitch-noise electronic sounds. Used to play with Mário Del Nunzio on the electric guitar. Sometimes was played together with sample images from Guy Debord’s movies. Both Melina’s Scissors – Cut and Click! – O Chá Queimou Minhas Córneas (2003), and 16 Curvas de Interesse (2013) use the same sound material. [video 1, video 2]

2001-06. Concert Music Compositions.

  • 2003. A Jail for John Cage. Chaotic sounding formations for 6 musicians with conductor.
  • 2002-05. Duos Pequeninos. Six very short compositions for two violas, in 6 varied styles.
  • 2001-03. Arriguianas 01-03. Three modernist pieces for piano, with a rock n’roll kind of feeling and influenced by Arrigo Barnabé’s Clara Crocodilo album.

#1 (2018-2013) here. Back to the English page.

Photos not taken by myself: 2012. Mini-Tábua by Alessandra Fiorini; 2012. Radio Radio by Knut Auferman, and featuring Marcelo Muniz; 2011-3. Epilepsia… by Leo Alves Vieira; 2008. Verossimilhança… by Cristiano Rosa; 2008. Primeiro Acorde by Carlos Kilian.